Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Jumping up and down and screaming in excitement!!!!!

When I started Vava's Vintage, I did it for me.  It was just something I wanted to; really needed to do.  I have gone into this with the attitude if I do well fantastic, if I don't then so be it and I will have a ton of fun furniture for my house.  Well apparently in the mix of doing Vava's on my terms, people are beginning to notice.  I mean really notice.  Thanks to 5280 Magazine, I think more and more people will be noticing what I am up to.  Check out the awesome feature 5280 did on the Horseshoe Market and see who happens to be one of the vendor picks.  (blush)  http://www.5280.com/blogs/2013/07/09/best-bets-summer-horseshoe-craft-and-flea-marke

To show you how excited I am I drew you a picture!

***************I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE HORSESHOE!!!!!!!!!!*******************

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